With the creation of bubble wrap packaging became much safer and more reliable. Bubble wrap is a plastic sheeting that contains zillions of bubbles which have been trapped in the plastic. The bubbles prevent breakage of glass and other objects that are being sent through the mail. Its great for people who are moving to keep box contents safe, too. You know what else its good for? Crafts, decor projects and much more! Bubble wrap comes in several different styles. Theres bubble wrap with tiny bubbles and a different type that has large bubbles. Either one of these types can be used to make some really cute things for your home and kids. Youll find bubble wrap at stores which deliver packages, discount department stores, and even craft stores.
Bubble wrap that has the large bubbles is perfect for making kid furniture. Roll the plastic wrap tightly until you have a large circle of it. Use tape to secure the end to the body of the wrap. Youve instantly created a foot stool for anyone or a small chair for kids. The wrap should be cut to the height of your childs knees to create the perfect stool for sitting. Its important that the bubble wrap be tightly wrapped to prevent kids from sinking between the sheets when they sit.
You can easily make a cover for the bubble wrap footstool or chair. Cut a large circle of fabric and simply place it over the footstool. About a third of the way down tie a ribbon around the footstool. The cloth will then take the shape of the footstool with no sewing involved! Bubble wrap can also keep your children safer in a pool. Use the wrap to create arm floats for small children. Wrap the bubble wrap around the childs upper arm. Tape into place wrapping the tape several times around the bubble wrap. These arm "floaties" will keep kids from going under the water. Wrap with small bubbles can be used for really little children. Wrap it twice around their arms before securing with tape. Larger kids can use the wrap with the big bubbles. Dip the floaties in the water before putting them on the arm to make them slide on easier. Wrap with small or large bubbles can be used to create a fun shower curtain. Punch holes and slide the curtain rings into the holes. If you want you can use cloth rings, meant for strengthening holes on paper, to prevent tearing of the plastic. The cloth rings are adhesive and stick over the hole area of the bubble wrap curtain. When youve cut the wrap to the proper size you can then decorate the curtain with stickers. Youll find stickers to create any theme when you visit a craft store near you. Make place mats by simply cutting the small bubble type of wrap into rectangles. Cut these the size you want and decorate if you wish. Rubber stamping works well on the bubble wrap. You can even use hot glue or other adhesives to glue on a bunch of silk flowers in one corner, or even a satin bow and beads. The creation is all your own. Bubble wrap makes a great knapsack thats waterproof. Cut a long, wide rectangle then fold it almost in half. Leave about a third of the wrap that can be folded over to create a flap. Use glue or tape to secure the sides of the knapsack. Create a handle from a piece of rope or a strip of fabric. Carry picnic items or camping needs in the knapsack. Quickly make a set of bed pockets by starting with a wide, long rectangle of the bubble wrap. Cut several bubble wrap squares as well. Glue the squares onto one end of the bubble wrap to create pockets. Slide the other end of the rectangle between the mattress and box springs. The pocket area will hang down the side of the mattress and box springs and can be used to hold a tv guide, eyeglasses and other items. Its exciting to get a package in the mail but even more exciting if you see its filled with bubble wrap! That means you can make all sorts of things for your home without going out to purchase the wrap. Have fun making these various projects and using them for your own family. Kids will enjoy helping too!
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